Bellevue Acne Clinic
How to wash your face
One of the best ways to treat and prevent acne is to wash your face. There are many face washes available at the drugstore. No matter what product you choose or how many times a day you wash your face, the technique for washing your face is almost the same for everyone
You can wash your face in the shower or at the sink.
Begin with clean hands. If your hands are dirty, you will transfer that dirt to your face.
Place a dime-sized amount of face wash into your hands.
Add a splash of water to help dilute the cleanser and facilitate lathering.
Rub your hands together a few times to lather up the face wash (remembering that not all face washes generate lather).
Apply the face wash to all surfaces of your face with your hands. Using a circular motion, wash your face for around 30 seconds.
Rinse your face. This is easier in the shower, where you can place your face under the stream of water. If you are at the sink, use your hands to splash water up onto your face and your neck.
Dry with a clean towel. Change your towel every few days.
Common pitfalls:
Don't spend too much time lathering your hands. Remember, you are washing your FACE, not your HANDS. The cleanser will lose effectiveness if you waste it on your hands.
Avoid very hot water on your face. If you are in the shower, you may need to turn down the temperature of the water when you are ready to wash your face.
Don't wash your face for too long. Many people scrub their face for two minutes or more. This is unnecessary.
Remember, washing your face is an important step in your plan to treat and prevent acne!